Richmond School of Painting
A step by step approach to painting

Students' reviews

"Every week I look forward to my Saturday morning painting class. It is totally relaxing and enjoyable and a real break vs. all else I do. I also continue to be surprised by the very interesting paintings all students create and by how different each student's interpretation of the same subject matter can be. I think this is due to the very supportive and open minded approach Guy has when teaching - he really helps students at all levels to find their own way to progress with painting."
Marina Trani

"I came to Richmond School of Painting not having done any art since school, I have been taught how to draw and paint with oils. I have never felt criticised only encouraged and would recommend anyone who has thought about painting to give it a try."
Brigid Willamson.

"I wanted to find a class where I could relearn the basics of oil painting - I feel like I have gained so much more. Guy is an excellent teacher, and the class is great - a chance to meet other artists, learn new skills and new media. I have renewed my passion for art and finally uploaded my pictures online. Thanks Guy for reigniting my passion!"
Atul Banerjee.

"I have been going to Guy's classes for a number of years, Almost 6 years I think, and I cannot think of a better way to spend my Saturday morning. I really enjoy Guy's way of teaching, and his dedication to the classes. He's always there ready to encourage you to keep going with the drawing and painting. He always prepares really well for the projects before hand and giving more than 100% to his students."
Maria R.

"I have been attending the Richmond school of Painting for a year. Although I have done a little oil painting many years ago I consider myself very much a beginner. I have enjoyed my time there immensely and feel in this short time my painting has improved. Guy is an excellent teacher able to get the right balance do support and challenge tailored for each individual student and their level of skill and experience. The class has a friendly and relaxed atmosphere and was very easy to become part of."
Rosemary Hindmarsh

"I have heard on the grapevine that our school has an awesome reputation for high standards. While not denying that there are several people in our midst who produce consistently marvellous work, I can vouch for the fact that they do also come up with rubbish sometimes!! Which makes it a very easy group to belong to. It is not competitive as we all support each other - but it IS challenging. Guy takes you well beyond the simple still life to places you really never expected to go. Assignments based on old or contemporary masters for example encourage techniques that transform your own work. Painting in the style of Chuck Close and Gerhard Richter were just two of the experiences I absolutely loved. There is no room to cover the diversity of what is on offer here. Sometimes it is painful and frustrating but Guy is always on hand to guide you through and at the end of it all there may even be something to be proud of!"
Avril Clark

"Three years ago I was introduced to the Richmond School of Painting, since that time I have attended the classes every week unless I am away on holidays. One very important point for me is, that when I have missed a class I am able to attend one of the other classes to catch up. When I last painted I was at school. I am now a retired grandmother and so proud to be able to paint with oil. I love every minute spent at the studio. When my friends come they are surprised to see what I have produced in the painting class."
Annick Lever

"A refreshing short course that welcomes art lovers who want to improve or hone their abilities. Guy is an excellent tutor and each one of his projects is carefully explained. I've been attending the course with my 13 year old daughter who has benefitted greatly from this and has made incredible progress! As a professional designer, I've been reminded of just how invaluable it is to spend time practising fine art as there are many drawing and painting techniques that I'd forgotten about. Revisiting them has benefited my work.The class is also a lot of fun! It's a perfect way to relax on a saturday morning and it's great to meet people who show a keen interest in each others artwork."
Rebecca Morton (set designer), Shepperton.